roxieapi.output.plots module¶
Plot routines
- class roxieapi.output.plots.RoxieGraphsPlotly(output_parser: RoxieOutputParser)[source]¶
Roxie Graph output A class for plotting Standard graph plots from a roxie output
- plot_device_graph(graphPlot: GraphPlot, opt_step: int = 1, trans_step: int = 1, fig_size: Tuple[float, float] | None = None) Figure | None [source]¶
Plot a device graph :param graphPlot: The GraphPlot object from the RoxieOutputParser :param opt_step: Optimization step :param trans_step: Transient step :param fig_size: Size of the figure (in inch), defaults to None :return: a plotly graph_objs.Figure object, or None if Plot data is missing
- static plot_forces(data: DataFrame, fig_size: Tuple[float, float] | None = None) Figure [source]¶
Plot The Forces on conductor (plot similar to roxie plot in pdf) :param data: The dataframe with the forces defined (from RoxieOutputParser) :param fig_size: Size of the figure in inches, defaults to None :return: the figure
- static plot_graph(graphPlot: GraphPlot, data: Dict[int, DataFrame], fig_size: Tuple[float, float] | None = None) Figure | None [source]¶
Plot a graph :param graphPlot: The GraphPlot object from the RoxieOutputParser :param data: Corresponding data object from the ROxieOutputParser :param fig_size: Size of the figure (in inch), defaults to None :return: a plotly graph_objs.Figure object, or None if Plot data is missing
- static plot_harmonics(coil: HarmonicCoil, fig_size: Tuple[float, float] | None = None) Figure [source]¶
Plot the Harmonics as a bar graph :param coil: The coil to plot the harmonics for :param fig_size: Size of figure, in inches, defaults to None :return: The figure
- plot_optimization_graph(graphPlot: GraphPlot, fig_size: Tuple[float, float] | None = None) Figure | None [source]¶
Plot a device graph :param graphPlot: The GraphPlot object from the RoxieOutputParser :param fig_size: Size of the figure (in inch), defaults to None :return: a plotly graph_objs.Figure object, or None if Plot data is missing
- plot_transient_graph(graphPlot: GraphPlot, opt_step: int = 1, fig_size: Tuple[float, float] | None = None) Figure | None [source]¶
Plot a device graph :param graphPlot: The GraphPlot object from the RoxieOutputParser :param opt_step: Optimization step :param fig_size: Size of the figure (in inch), defaults to None :return: a plotly graph_objs.Figure object, or None if Plot data is missing
- class roxieapi.output.plots.RoxiePlotOutputs(output_file: str, input_file: str | None)[source]¶
Convenience class for plotting roxie outputs. Bundles all Required classes for plotting in one class:
Example usage:
```python output_file = “/path/to/roxie/output.xml” input_file = “/path/to/roxie/input.xml”
plot_outputs = RoxiePlotOutputs(output_file, input_file) ```
Access to the individual objects:
plot_outputs.output: RoxieOutputParser object
plot_outputs.input: RoxieInputBuilder object
plot_outputs.graphs: RoxieGraphsPlotly object
plot_outputs.plots2d: RoxiePlots2D object
plot_outputs.plots3d: RoxiePlots3D object
plot_outputs.tables: RoxiePrintTables object
Content is output using Ipython display functions, including Headers, plots and tables.
- output_2dplots(opt_step: int = 1, trans_step: int = 1, fig_size=(8, 8), plots: List[int] | None = None) None [source]¶
Print all 2d plots :param opt_step: Optimization step number, defaults to 1 :param trans_step: Transient step number, defaults to 1 :param fig_size: Figure size in inches, defaults to (12,8) :param plots: List of plots to print, or None for all
- output_3dplots(opt_step: int = 1, trans_step: int = 1, fig_size=(10, 8), plots: List[int] | None = None) None [source]¶
Print all 3d plots :param opt_step: Optimization step number, defaults to 1 :param trans_step: Transient step number, defaults to 1 :param fig_size: Figure size in inches, defaults to (12,8) :param plots: List of plots to print, or None for all
- output_conductor_forces(opt_step: int = 1, trans_step: int = 1, fig_size=(12, 8)) None [source]¶
Print conductor forces for Time step :param opt_step: The Optimization step number :param trans_step: The transient step number :param fig_size: Size of the output figures in inches
- output_design_variables(opt_step: int = 1) None [source]¶
Print design variables :param opt_step: The Optimization step number
- output_device_graphs(opt_step: int = 1, trans_step: int = 1, fig_size=(12, 8), plots: List[int] | None = None) None [source]¶
Print all device graphs :param opt_step: Optimization step number, defaults to 1 :param trans_step: Transient step number, defaults to 1 :param fig_size: Figure size in inches, defaults to (12,8) :param plots: List of plots to print, or None for all
- output_harmonic_coils(opt_step: int = 1, trans_step: int = 1, header_level: int = 1) None [source]¶
Print Harmonic coil results :param opt_step: The Optimization step number :param trans_step: The transient step number :param header_level: Header level for each harmonic coil
- output_objective_results(opt_step: int = 1) None [source]¶
Print objective results :param opt_step: The Optimization step number
- output_optimization_graphs(fig_size=(12, 8), plots: List[int] | None = None) None [source]¶
Print all optimization graphs :param fig_size: Figure size in inches, defaults to (12,8) :param plots: List of plots to print, or None for all
- output_report(header_level: int = 1) None [source]¶
Output a full run report :param header_level: The level of header to start with (default: 1)
- output_transient_graphs(opt_step: int = 1, fig_size=(12, 8), plots: List[int] | None = None) None [source]¶
Print all transient graphs :param opt_step: Optimization step number, defaults to 1 :param fig_size: Figure size in inches, defaults to (12,8) :param plots: List of plots to print, or None for all
- class roxieapi.output.plots.RoxiePlots2D(output_parser: RoxieOutputParser)[source]¶
2D Plots for roxie (geometry + data)
- class CBarInfo(pos: str = 'w', lbls: List[str] = <factory>, vmin: Optional[float] = None, vmax: Optional[float] = None, objs: List[] = <factory>)[source]¶
- lbls: List[str]¶
- objs: List[ScalarMappable]¶
- pos: str = 'w'¶
- vmax: float | None = None¶
- vmin: float | None = None¶
- plot_conductor_forces(opt_step: int = 1, trans_step: int = 1, fig_size: Tuple[int, int] = (12, 8)) Figure | None [source]¶
Generates a set of 2D crosssection plots with Forces overlay (one plot per force) :param output_parser: The output parser :param opt_step: optimization step, defaults to 1 :param trans_step: transient step, defaults to 1 :param fig_size: figure size in inches, defaults to (12, 8) :return: the matplotlib figure object, or None if no conductor forces are available
- plot_xs(pl: Plot2D, opt_step: int = 1, trans_step: int = 1, figsize=(8, 8)) Figure [source]¶
Plots a crosssection plot from Roxie :param pl: the Plot2D object :param opt_step: Optimization step :param trans_step: Transient step :param figsize: size of the figure :return: the matplotlib figure object
- class roxieapi.output.plots.RoxiePrintTables(ib: RoxieInputBuilder, op: RoxieOutputParser)[source]¶
Roxie table output for tabular data
- get_design_variables(opt_step) DataFrame [source]¶
Return the design variables for opt step :param opt_step: The Optimization step number :return A DafaFrame containing design variable name and values
- get_harmonic_coil(opt_step, trans_step, coil_nr) Tuple[DataFrame, DataFrame, DataFrame] [source]¶
Return the harmonic coil table
- Parameters:
opt_step – The Optimization step number
trans_step – The transient step number
coil_nr – Number of the harmonic coil
- Returns:
A set of 3Pandas dataframes to plot: Coil information, Field information, Multipoles
- get_objective_variables(opt_step) DataFrame [source]¶
Return the Objectives variables for opt step :param opt_step: The Optimization step number :return A DafaFrame containing objective variable name and values
- print_design_variables(designVariables: Dict[int, DesignVariableResult], input_design: DataFrame | None) DataFrame [source]¶
- print_harmonic_coil(coil: HarmonicCoil) Tuple[DataFrame, DataFrame, DataFrame] [source]¶
Prints a harmonic coil output as Markdown :param coil: The Harmonic coil to print :return: A set of 3Pandas dataframes to plot: Coil information, Field information, Multipoles
- print_objective_results(objectives: Dict[int, ObjectiveResult], input_objectives: DataFrame | None) DataFrame [source]¶