Getting Started


Roxie-api uses the Poetry package manager<> for dependency resolution. The poetry package can be installed system wide via pip (pip3 install poetry), or on user level using their installation script.

curl -sSL | python3 -

More details and information on how to use poetry can be found at the poetry Documentation site<>.

Roxie-api uses pyvista for 3D plots. Their package requires libGL, which can be installed with `dnf install libglvnd-glx (for CentOS, Alma Linux, Redhat, etc.) or apt-get install libgl1 for debian/Ubuntu.


The roxie-api package is hosted at [CERN gitlab](, and accessible from there. Currently, access is restricted to project members. Please send a message to for access. Users with a CERN account we can add directly to the project. For external users we’ll generate an access token.

After registered, it can be installed using pip with the following command:

pip install roxie-api --index-url https://__token__:<your_personal_token>

Or directly from the repository

pip install git+https://__token__:<your_personal_token>

Installing from pypi directly is planned in the future.

As a poetry package

In poetry, you can add the git repository as a source, and then use it in the pyproject configuration:

poetry source add --priority=supplemental roxie
poetry config http-basic.roxie <username> <password>
poetry add --source roxie roxie-api

Using the package

The Example galery gives a list of examples using the package.