roxieapi.commons.types module

class roxieapi.commons.types.Base3DGeometry(nr: int, geometry: Geometry)[source]

Bases: object

Base geometry for 3D objects

geometry: Geometry
nr: int
class roxieapi.commons.types.Brick3DGeometry(nr: int, geometry: Geometry)[source]

Bases: Base3DGeometry

Geometry information for 3D bricks

class roxieapi.commons.types.BrickData(current: float, n1: int, n2: int, ncut: int, nodes: ndarray)[source]

Bases: object

Roxie Brick Data input

current: float
n1: int
n2: int
ncut: int
nodes: ndarray
to_table() str[source]

Return a string representation of the BrickData block .


Brick data as string

Return type:


class roxieapi.commons.types.Coil3DGeometry(nr: int, geometry: Geometry, block_id: int, layer_id: int)[source]

Bases: Base3DGeometry

Geometry information for 3D coils

block_id: int
layer_id: int
class roxieapi.commons.types.CoilGeometry(nr: int, block_id: int, layer_id: int, geometry: numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[numpy.float64]], strands: Dict[int, numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[numpy.float64]]])[source]

Bases: object

block_id: int
geometry: ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]]
layer_id: int
nr: int
strands: Dict[int, ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]]]
class roxieapi.commons.types.Geometry(nodes: ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]], elements: List[List[int]] | None, boundaries: Dict[int, ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]]] | None)[source]

Bases: object

Geometry Information for 3D geometries.

nodes - List of points ([x,y,z]) making up the Geometry elements - List of connected points as faces or cells in the form of [<# points> <p1>..<pn>] boundaries - Dict of boundaries for a Geometry, in the form of {id: [<p1>…<pn>]}

boundaries: Dict[int, ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]]] | None
elements: List[List[int]] | None
nodes: ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]]
class roxieapi.commons.types.GraphInfo(id: int, graph_type: int, xval: str, yval: str, logx: bool, logy: bool, weight: float, label: str | None)[source]

Bases: object

graph_type: int
id: int
label: str | None
logx: bool
logy: bool
weight: float
xval: str
yval: str
class roxieapi.commons.types.GraphPlot(title: str, id: int, axes: Dict[str, roxieapi.commons.types.PlotAxis], graphs: List[roxieapi.commons.types.GraphInfo])[source]

Bases: object

axes: Dict[str, PlotAxis]
graphs: List[GraphInfo]
id: int
title: str
class roxieapi.commons.types.HarmonicCoil(id: int, _coil_type: int, _measurement_type: int, _main_harmonic: int, params: Dict[str, float] = <factory>, bn: Dict[int, float] = <factory>, an: Dict[int, float] = <factory>, strandData: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame = <factory>)[source]

Bases: object

property absolute: bool
an: Dict[int, float]
bn: Dict[int, float]
property bref: str
property coil_type: str
get_coil_info() OrderedDict[str, str][source]
get_field_info() OrderedDict[str, str][source]
get_table() DataFrame[source]
id: int
property main_harmonic: str
property order: int
params: Dict[str, float]
property skew: bool
strandData: DataFrame
class roxieapi.commons.types.IronYokeOptions(mesh_scale: int = 0, mir_inner_radius: float = 0, mir_rel_perm: float = 0, sym_yz: int = 0, sym_zx: int = 0, sym_xy: int = 0, rot_mode: int = 0, rot_div: int = 0, rot_sym: int = 0)[source]

Bases: object

mesh_scale: int = 0
mir_inner_radius: float = 0
mir_rel_perm: float = 0
rot_div: int = 0
rot_mode: int = 0
rot_sym: int = 0
sym_xy: int = 0
sym_yz: int = 0
sym_zx: int = 0
class roxieapi.commons.types.Plot(title: str, id: int, axes: Dict[str, roxieapi.commons.types.PlotAxis], _plotInfos: List[roxieapi.commons.types.PlotInfo])[source]

Bases: object

active: PlotInfo | None = None
axes: Dict[str, PlotAxis]
id: int
title: str
class roxieapi.commons.types.Plot2D(title: str, id: int, axes: Dict[str, roxieapi.commons.types.PlotAxis], _plotInfos: List[roxieapi.commons.types.PlotInfo])[source]

Bases: Plot

add_coilPlot(id: str, label: str = '', legend: PlotLegend | None = None, harm_coil: int | None = None) Plot2D[source]
add_meshPlot(id: str, label: str = '', legend: PlotLegend | None = None) Plot2D[source]
property coilPlots: List[PlotInfo]
static create(title='New Plot2D', xlim: Tuple[float, float] | None = None, ylim: Tuple[float, float] | None = None) Plot2D[source]
property irisPlots: List[PlotInfo]
property matrixPlots: List[PlotInfo]
property meshPlots: List[PlotInfo]
property pointPlots: List[PlotInfo]
class roxieapi.commons.types.Plot3D(title: str, id: int, axes: Dict[str, roxieapi.commons.types.PlotAxis], _plotInfos: List[roxieapi.commons.types.PlotInfo])[source]

Bases: Plot

add_coilPlot(id: str, label: str = '', legend: PlotLegend | None = None) Plot3D[source]
add_meshPlot(id: str, label: str = '', legend: PlotLegend | None = None) Plot3D[source]
property coilPlots: List[PlotInfo]
static create(title='New Plot3D', xlim: Tuple[float, float] | None = None, ylim: Tuple[float, float] | None = None, zlim: Tuple[float, float] | None = None) Plot3D[source]
property meshPlots: List[PlotInfo]
property showSpacers: bool
class roxieapi.commons.types.PlotAxis(label: str, bounds: Tuple[float, float] | None, log: bool)[source]

Bases: object

bounds: Tuple[float, float] | None
label: str
log: bool
class roxieapi.commons.types.PlotInfo(id: str, type: str, dataType: str, label: str, plotLegend: roxieapi.commons.types.PlotLegend | None, harmCoil: int | None, vector_mappings: Dict[str, int] | None)[source]

Bases: object

dataType: str
harmCoil: int | None
id: str
label: str
plotLegend: PlotLegend | None
type: str
vector_mappings: Dict[str, int] | None
class roxieapi.commons.types.PlotLegend(pos: str | None, greyScale: bool | None, min_val: float | None, max_val: float | None)[source]

Bases: object

greyScale: bool | None
max_val: float | None
min_val: float | None
pos: str | None
class roxieapi.commons.types.WedgeGeometry(layer: int, nr: int, inner_surface: WedgeSurface | None, outer_surface: WedgeSurface | None, block_inner: int, block_outer: int)[source]

Bases: object

Geometry to store wedge information

block_inner: int
block_outer: int
inner_surface: WedgeSurface | None
layer: int
nr: int
outer_surface: WedgeSurface | None
class roxieapi.commons.types.WedgeSurface(lower_edge: ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]], upper_edge: ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]])[source]

Bases: object

Surface of a wedge

lower_edge: ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]]
upper_edge: ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]]