roxieapi.input.parser module

class roxieapi.input.parser.RoxieInputParser(inputlines: Iterable[str])[source]

Bases: object

Class RoxieInputParser parses a roxie file

static from_datafile(inputfile)[source]

Construct a new RoxieInputParser from Roxie .data file :param inputfile: Roxie .data file :return: A RoxieInputParser object with parsed content


Return the data of a block :param blockname: The name of the block :return A filled Dataframe for regular blocks, a list of Daraframes for “special” blocks,

or an empty Dataframe of no block was initialized

get_bricks() List[BrickData][source]

Returns the list of all bricks . :returns: the Bricks as BrickData list :rtype: List[BrickData]

get_peak() List[int][source]

Return list of peak field enabled blocks

roxieapi.input.parser.convert_bottom_header_table_to_str(block_df: DataFrame, keyword: str, line_suffix='', header_suffix='') str[source]

Function converting a dataframe with a keyword and suffix to string. The string is used to create a ROXIE .data input file.

  • block_df – a dataframe with content to be converted into a bottom header table string

  • keyword – a keyword for the table

  • line_suffix – a string added at the end of each of line to match the ROXIE formatting


a string representation of a bottom header table

roxieapi.input.parser.convert_list_to_str(input: List[int]) str[source]
roxieapi.input.parser.convert_table_to_str(block_df: DataFrame, keyword: str, header_suffix='') str[source]

Function converting a dataframe with a keyword and suffix to string without bottom header columns. The string is used to create a ROXIE .datainput file.

  • block_df – a dataframe with content to be converted into a bottom header table string

  • keyword – a keyword for the table

  • line_suffix – a string added at the end of each of line to match the ROXIE formatting


a string representation of a bottom header table

roxieapi.input.parser.extract_bottom_header_table(text_file_lines: List[str], index_start: int, n_lines: int) DataFrame[source]

Function extracting a bottom header template from ROXIE .data and .cadata files. The method requires a start index in the table as well as the number of lines the table occupies.

  • text_file_lines – an input list of lines from a ROXIE .data or .cadata file

  • index_start – an index where the table starts

  • n_lines – the number of lines occupied by the table


a dataframe with the table

roxieapi.input.parser.extract_nested_bottom_header_table(text_file_lines: List[str], index_start: int, n_lines: int)[source]

Function extracting a bottom header template from ROXIE .data and .cadata files. The method requires a start index in the table as well as the number of lines the table occupies.

  • text_file_lines – an input list of lines from a ROXIE .data or .cadata file

  • index_start – an index where the table starts

  • n_lines – the number of lines occupied by the table


a dataframe with the table

roxieapi.input.parser.find_index_start_and_length_bottom_header_table(output_lines: List[str], table_keyword: str) Tuple[int, int][source]

Function finding the start and length of a table in ROXIE .output or .cadata or .data file. If a table keyword can’t be found, the an IndexError is thrown.

  • output_lines – a list of lines read from a ROXIE file

  • table_keyword – a keyword for the objective table


a tuple with an index of the start of bottom header table and its length

roxieapi.input.parser.read_bottom_header_table(roxie_file_path: str, keyword='CABLE') DataFrame[source]

Function reading a bottom header table from ROXIE .data, .cadata, .output files

  • roxie_file_path – a path to a roxie file

  • keyword – a table keyword


a dataframe with content of a table given by a keyword

roxieapi.input.parser.read_nested_bottom_header_table(roxie_file_path: str, keyword='LAYER') DataFrame[source]

Function reading a bottom header table from ROXIE .data, .cadata, .output files

  • roxie_file_path – a path to a roxie file

  • keyword – a table keyword


a nested dataframe with content of a table given by a keyword