Source code for roxieapi.commons.types

from collections import OrderedDict
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple

import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
import pandas as pd

from roxieapi.commons.roxie_constants import PlotLabels

[docs] @dataclass class BrickData: """Roxie Brick Data input""" current: float n1: int n2: int ncut: int nodes: np.ndarray
[docs] def to_table(self) -> str: """Return a string representation of the BrickData block . Returns: str: Brick data as string """ assert len(self.nodes) % 4 == 0, "Node length must be multiple of 4" nodelen = len(self.nodes) // 4 output = ( f"{self.current:12g} {self.n1} {self.n2} {nodelen} {self.ncut}" ) nodestr = "\n".join( [f" {n[0]:13g} {n[1]:13g} {n[2]:13g}" for n in self.nodes] ) return output + "\n" + nodestr
[docs] @dataclass class IronYokeOptions: mesh_scale: int = 0 mir_inner_radius: float = 0 mir_rel_perm: float = 0 sym_yz: int = 0 sym_zx: int = 0 sym_xy: int = 0 rot_mode: int = 0 rot_div: int = 0 rot_sym: int = 0
[docs] @dataclass class Geometry: """Geometry Information for 2D/3D geometries. For 2D geometries, each point is a [x,y] coordinate. For 3D geometries, each point is a [x,y,z] coordinate. nodes - List of points ([x,y,z]) making up the Geometry elements - List of connected points as faces or cells in the form of [<p1>..<pn>] boundaries - Dict of boundaries for a Geometry, in the form of {id: [[x,y,z]...[x,y,z]]} """ nodes: npt.NDArray[np.float64] elements: Optional[List[List[int]]] boundaries: Optional[Dict[int, npt.NDArray[np.float64]]]
[docs] def generate_elements_for_coil_nodes(self) -> None: """Generate cells from points. points are ordered in z direction, 4 points define one face. Once cell is between two sets of 4 points 7+----+6 /| /| 3+----+2| |4+--|-+5 |/ |/ 0+----+1 """ self.elements = [ list(range(i - 4, i + 4)) for i in range(4, len(self.nodes), 4) ]
[docs] @dataclass class CoilGeometry: """Geometry information for 2D coils""" nr: int block_id: int layer_id: int geometry: npt.NDArray[np.float64] strands: Dict[int, npt.NDArray[np.float64]]
[docs] @dataclass class Base3DGeometry: """Base geometry for 3D objects""" nr: int geometry: Geometry
[docs] @dataclass class Brick3DGeometry(Base3DGeometry): """Geometry information for 3D bricks"""
[docs] @dataclass class Coil3DGeometry(Base3DGeometry): """Geometry information for 3D coils""" block_id: int layer_id: int
[docs] @dataclass class WedgeSurface: """Surface of a wedge""" lower_edge: npt.NDArray[np.float64] upper_edge: npt.NDArray[np.float64]
[docs] @dataclass class WedgeGeometry: """Geometry to store wedge information""" layer: int nr: int inner_surface: Optional[WedgeSurface] outer_surface: Optional[WedgeSurface] block_inner: int block_outer: int
[docs] @dataclass class BlockGeometry: nr: int inner_surface: WedgeSurface outer_surface: WedgeSurface
[docs] @dataclass class BlockTopology: """Topology of blocks, conductors and strands""" block_nr: int block_orig: int layer_nr: int first_conductor: int last_conductor: int n_radial: int n_azimuthal: int first_strand: int last_strand: int ins_radial: float ins_azimuthal: float
[docs] @dataclass class PlotAxis: """Plot Axis information (for roxie plots)""" label: str bounds: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] log: bool
[docs] @dataclass class PlotLegend: """Plot Legend information (for roxie plots)""" pos: Optional[str] greyScale: Optional[bool] min_val: Optional[float] max_val: Optional[float]
[docs] @dataclass class PlotInfo: """Plot info object, containing all information to create a crossection or 3D plot""" id: str type: str dataType: str label: str plotLegend: Optional[PlotLegend] harmCoil: Optional[int] vector_mappings: Optional[Dict[str, int]]
[docs] @dataclass class GraphInfo: """GraphInfo object, containing all information for a xy graph""" id: int graph_type: int xval: str yval: str logx: bool logy: bool weight: float label: Optional[str]
[docs] @dataclass class Plot: """Base Plot object, containing all information to create a crossection or 3D plot""" title: str id: int axes: Dict[str, PlotAxis] _plotInfos: List[PlotInfo] active: Optional[PlotInfo] = field(init=False, default=None)
[docs] @dataclass class GraphPlot: """Graph plot information""" title: str id: int axes: Dict[str, PlotAxis] graphs: List[GraphInfo]
[docs] @dataclass class Plot2D(Plot): """Plot2D object, for crossection plots"""
[docs] @staticmethod def create( title="New Plot2D", xlim: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, ylim: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, ) -> "Plot2D": """ Creates a new Plot2D object. Parameters: title (str): The title of the plot. Default is "New Plot2D". xlim (Optional[Tuple[float, float]]): The limits for the x-axis. Default is None. ylim (Optional[Tuple[float, float]]): The limits for the y-axis. Default is None. Returns: Plot2D: A new Plot2D object. """ return Plot2D( title, -1, { "X": PlotAxis("x in mm", bounds=xlim, log=False), "Y": PlotAxis("y in mm", bounds=ylim, log=False), }, [], )
[docs] def add_coilPlot( self, id: str, label: str = "", legend: Optional[PlotLegend] = None, harm_coil: Optional[int] = None, ) -> "Plot2D": """ Add a coil plot component to the plot. parameters: id (str): The data id to be used. label (str): Label of the coil plot. legend (Optional[PlotLegend]): The legend of the component. Default is None. harm_coil (Optional[int]): The harmonic coil number if the plot depends on a harmonic coil. Default is None. """ if not label: label = PlotLabels.plot2D_desc.get(id, "") self._plotInfos.append( PlotInfo(id, "coilPlot", "scalar", label, legend, harm_coil, None) ) return self
[docs] def add_meshPlot( self, id: str, label: str = "", legend: Optional[PlotLegend] = None ) -> "Plot2D": """Add a mesh plot to the plot object :param id: The data id to be used. :type id: str :param label: Label of the mesh plot, defaults to "" :type label: str, optional :param legend: The legend of the component. Default is None. :type legend: Optional[PlotLegend], optional :return: _description_ :rtype: Plot2D """ if not label: label = PlotLabels.plotMesh2D_desc.get(id, "") self._plotInfos.append( PlotInfo(id, "meshPlot", "scalar", label, legend, None, None) ) return self
@property def pointPlots(self) -> List[PlotInfo]: """Return all pointPlots defined in the Plot""" return list(filter(lambda x: x.type == "pointPlot", self._plotInfos)) @property def coilPlots(self) -> List[PlotInfo]: """Return all coilPlots defined in the Plot""" return list(filter(lambda x: x.type == "coilPlot", self._plotInfos)) @property def meshPlots(self) -> List[PlotInfo]: """Return all meshPlots defined in the Plot""" return list(filter(lambda x: x.type == "meshPlot", self._plotInfos)) @property def matrixPlots(self) -> List[PlotInfo]: """Return all matrixPlots defined in the Plot""" return list(filter(lambda x: x.type == "matrixPlot", self._plotInfos)) @property def irisPlots(self) -> List[PlotInfo]: """Return all irisPlots defined in the Plot""" return list(filter(lambda x: x.type == "irisPlot", self._plotInfos))
[docs] @dataclass class Plot3D(Plot):
[docs] @staticmethod def create( title="New Plot3D", xlim: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, ylim: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, zlim: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, ) -> "Plot3D": """ Creates a new Plot3D object :param title: The plot title, defaults to "New Plot3D" :type title: str, optional :param xlim: Limits of x axis, defaults to None :type xlim: Optional[Tuple[float, float]], optional :param ylim: Limits of y axis, defaults to None :type ylim: Optional[Tuple[float, float]], optional :param zlim: Limits of z axis, defaults to None :type zlim: Optional[Tuple[float, float]], optional :return: The Plot3D description :rtype: Plot3D """ return Plot3D( title, -1, { "X": PlotAxis("x in mm", bounds=xlim, log=False), "Y": PlotAxis("y in mm", bounds=ylim, log=False), "Z": PlotAxis("z in mm", bounds=zlim, log=False), }, [], )
[docs] def add_coilPlot( self, id: str, label: str = "", legend: Optional[PlotLegend] = None, ) -> "Plot3D": """ Add a coil plot component to the plot. parameters: id (str): The data id to be used. label (str): Label of the coil plot. legend (Optional[PlotLegend]): The legend of the component. Default is None. harm_coil (Optional[int]): The harmonic coil number if the plot depends on a harmonic coil. Default is None. """ if not label: label = PlotLabels.plot3D_desc.get(id, "") self._plotInfos.append( PlotInfo(id, "coilPlot3D", "scalar", label, legend, None, None) ) return self
[docs] def add_meshPlot( self, id: str, label: str = "", legend: Optional[PlotLegend] = None ) -> "Plot3D": """Add a mesh plot to the plot object :param id: The data id to be used. :type id: str :param label: Label of the mesh plot, defaults to "" :type label: str, optional :param legend: The legend of the component. Default is None. :type legend: Optional[PlotLegend], optional :return: _description_ :rtype: Plot2D """ if not label: label = PlotLabels.plotMesh3D_desc.get(id, "") self._plotInfos.append( PlotInfo(id, "meshPlot3D", "scalar", label, legend, None, None) ) return self
@property def coilPlots(self) -> List[PlotInfo]: """Return all coil plots defined""" return list(filter(lambda x: x.type == "coilPlot3D", self._plotInfos)) @property def meshPlots(self) -> List[PlotInfo]: """Return all mesh plots defined""" return list(filter(lambda x: x.type == "meshPlot3D", self._plotInfos)) @property def showSpacers(self) -> bool: """Flag if spacers are shown in the plot""" return any((x.type == "spacerPlot3D" for x in self._plotInfos))
[docs] @dataclass class HarmonicCoil: id: int _coil_type: int _measurement_type: int _main_harmonic: int params: Dict[str, float] = field(default_factory=dict) bn: Dict[int, float] = field(default_factory=dict) an: Dict[int, float] = field(default_factory=dict) strandData: pd.DataFrame = field(default_factory=pd.DataFrame) iris: pd.DataFrame = field(default_factory=pd.DataFrame) @property def main_harmonic(self) -> str: if self._main_harmonic == 0: return "None" else: ab = "A" if self.skew else "B" return f"{ab}{self.order}" @property def order(self) -> int: return self._main_harmonic // 2 @property def skew(self) -> bool: return self._main_harmonic % 2 == 1 @property def absolute(self) -> bool: return self._main_harmonic == 0 @property def coil_type(self) -> str: if self._coil_type == 1: return "Cylindrical" if self._coil_type == 2: return "Wiggler" if self._coil_type == 3: return "Zonal" if self._coil_type == 4: return "Elliptical" if self._coil_type == 5: return "Cartx" if self._coil_type == 6: return "Carty" if self._coil_type == 7: return "Torus" if self._coil_type == 8: return "Fourier curve" return f"unknown coil type {self._coil_type}" @property def bref(self) -> str: nr = self._measurement_type if nr == 0: return "all" if nr == 2: return "Bcoil" if nr == 1: return "Biron" if nr == 4: return "Bmagn" if nr == 3: return "Biscc" if nr == 5: return "{Bcoil+Biron}" if nr == 6: return "{Bcoil+Biron+Bmagn}" if nr == 7: return "{Bcoil+Biron+Biscc}" return "Unknown Meas type: {0}".format(nr)
[docs] def get_coil_info(self) -> OrderedDict[str, str]: d = OrderedDict() d["type"] = self.coil_type if self._coil_type == 1: d["reference radius (mm)"] = str(self.params["rref"]) d["x position (mm)"] = str(self.params["xpos"]) d["y position (mm)"] = str(self.params["ypos"]) if self._coil_type == 2: d["period length (mm)"] = str(self.params["period_length"]) d["x0 (mm)"] = str(self.params["x0"]) d["y0 (mm)"] = str(self.params["y0"]) if self._coil_type == 4: d["semi minor axis (mm)"] = str(self.params["semi_minor_axis"]) d["semi major axis (mm)"] = str(self.params["semi_major_axis"]) if "nr_z" in self.params: d["number of coils in Z direction"] = str(self.params["nr_z"]) d["coil length (mm)"] = str(self.params["coil_length"]) d["reference position"] = str(self.params["ref_pos"]) return d
[docs] def get_field_info(self) -> OrderedDict[str, str]: d = OrderedDict() if not self.absolute: d["main field (T)"] = str(self.params["main_field"]) mh = self._main_harmonic // 2 - 1 if mh == 0: mhs = "T" elif mh == 1: mhs = "$\\frac{T}{m}$" else: mhs = f"$\\frac{{T}}{{m^{mh}}}$" d[f"reference magnet strength ({mhs})"] = str(self.params["mag_strength"]) if "nr_z" in self.params: d["MAGNETIC LENGTH (mm)"] = str(self.params["mag_length"]) d["error of harmonic analysis of br"] = str(self.params["error_br"]) return d
[docs] def get_table(self) -> pd.DataFrame: vals = [(i,[i],[i]) for i in] if self.absolute: cols = ["Order", "Bn", "An"] else: cols = ["Order", "bn", "an"] return pd.DataFrame(vals, columns=cols)
[docs] @dataclass class ObjectiveResult: nr: int value: float raw_value: float obj_name: str obj_p1: int obj_p2: int
[docs] @dataclass class DesignVariableResult: nr: int value: float name: str act_on: int blocks: list[int]