Source code for roxieapi.tool_adapter.RoxieToolAdapter

import datetime
import fnmatch
import shutil
import tempfile
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from pathlib import Path
from subprocess import PIPE, Popen
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Set
from urllib.parse import urljoin

import requests

from roxieapi.input.builder import RoxieInputBuilder

[docs] class RoxieToolAdapter(ABC): """A RoxieToolAdapter class with methods to execute a ROXIE model from command line, read figures of merit table and prepare a Lorentz force file.""" def __init__( self, input_files: List[Path], ) -> None: """A constructor of a RoxieToolAdapter instance. :param input_files: A list of input files for the execution (data file, iron file, cadata file, bhdata file) :param output_file_path: a name of an output file, .output :param xml_output_file_path: a name of an xml output file with plots, .xml """ self.input_files: Dict[str, Path] = {} self.needs_datafile_update = False self._collect_input_files(input_files) self.input_builder = self._sync_file_deps() self._check_file_deps() self.output: str = "" self.errors: str = "" def _collect_input_files(self, input_files: List[Path]) -> None: for file in input_files: ending = file.suffix if ending == ".hmo": ending = ".iron" if ending in self.input_files: raise ValueError( f"File {file} would replace existing file: {self.input_files[ending]}" ) self.input_files[ending] = file.absolute() if ".data" not in self.input_files: raise ValueError("Datafile is missing in input files") def _sync_file_deps(self) -> RoxieInputBuilder: """Synchronize file paths between input files and datafile inputs. Iterates through input files and datafile inputs and synchronizes both. Input files in the constructor have priority over files mentioned in the datafile. """ needs_change = False if not self.input_files[".data"].is_file(): raise ValueError(f"Cannot read .data file: {self.input_files['.data']}") rib = RoxieInputBuilder.from_datafile(self.input_files[".data"]) for file_type, file_path in [ (".cadata", "cadata_path"), (".bhdata", "bhdata_path"), (".iron", "iron_path"), ]: if file_type in self.input_files: setattr(rib, file_path, str(self.input_files[file_type])) needs_change = True elif fp := getattr(rib, file_path).strip(): if fp == "none": continue path = Path(fp) if path.is_absolute(): self.input_files[file_type] = path else: self.input_files[file_type] = ( self.input_files[".data"].parent / path ) self.needs_datafile_update = needs_change return rib def _check_file_deps(self) -> None: """Check if all files are accessible and can be used. :raises ValueError: In case one file cannot be accessed """ for ft, file in self.input_files.items(): if not file.is_file(): if ft == ".bhdata" and not ( self.input_builder.flags["LBEMFEM"] or self.input_builder.flags["LPSI"] ): continue # OK, not needed if ft == ".iron" and not ( self.input_builder.flags["LIRON"] or self.input_builder.flags["LHMO"] ): continue # OK, not needed raise ValueError(f"Cannot read {ft} file: {file}")
[docs] def download_artefacts(self, output_directory: Path, *patterns) -> None: """Downloads artefacts based on the given patterns to the specified output directory. Args: output_directory (Path): The directory where the artefacts will be downloaded. *patterns: Variable length argument list of patterns to filter artefacts. Returns: None """ artefacts = self.get_artefact_list() artefacts_filtered: Set[str] = set() if not patterns: artefacts_filtered.update(artefacts) else: for pat in patterns: matching = fnmatch.filter(artefacts, pat) artefacts_filtered.update(matching) for artefact in artefacts_filtered: self.download_artefact(output_directory, artefact)
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_artefact_list(self) -> list[str]: raise NotImplementedError("This method is not implemented for this class")
[docs] @abstractmethod def run(self) -> int: """Execute a ROXIE simulation.""" raise NotImplementedError("This method is not implemented for this class")
[docs] @abstractmethod def download_artefact(self, output_directory: Path, artefact: str) -> None: """A method to download an artefact to the specified output directory. Args: output_directory (Path): The directory where the artefact will be downloaded. artefact (str): The name of the artefact to be downloaded. Returns: None """ raise NotImplementedError("This method is not implemented for this class")
[docs] class RestRoxieToolAdapter(RoxieToolAdapter): def __init__( self, service_url: str, input_files: List[Path], session: Optional[requests.Session] = None, ) -> None: """Initializes the object with the provided service URL and input files. :param service_url: The URL of the service to connect to. (str) :param input_files: The input files to use. (List[Path]) :param session: An optional existing session to use """ super().__init__(input_files=input_files) self.base_url = service_url self.model_name: Optional[str] = None self.timestamp: Optional[str] = None if session: self.session = session else: self.session = requests.Session() def _update_datafile(self): """Update datafile to define all paths relative.""" if cadata := self.input_files.get("cadata"): self.input_builder.cadata_path = if bhdata := self.input_files.get("bhdata"): self.input_builder.bhdata_path = if iron := self.input_files.get("iron"): self.input_builder.iron_path = # Create temporary file tmp_data_filename = Path(tempfile.gettempdir()) / self.input_files[".data"].name self.input_files[".data"] = tmp_data_filename
[docs] def run(self) -> int: self._update_datafile() self.model_name = self.input_files[".data"].stem # get timestamp response = urljoin(self.base_url, f"/model/{self.model_name}") ) response.raise_for_status() self.timestamp = response.json()["timestamp"] # upload input files data = {"model_name": self.model_name, "timestamp": self.timestamp} response = urljoin(self.base_url, "/model"), data=data, files=[("files", open(fp, "rb")) for _, fp in self.input_files.items()], ) response.raise_for_status() # Run response = urljoin(self.base_url, f"/model/{self.model_name}/{self.timestamp}/run") ) response.raise_for_status() response_json = response.json() self.output = response_json["output"] self.errors = response_json.get("errors", "") self.model_name = response_json["model_name"] self.timestamp = response_json["timestamp"] status = response_json["status"] return 0 if status else 1
[docs] def get_artefact_list(self) -> List[str]: """Return a list of artefacts available to download. :return: The list of artefacts """ if self.model_name is None or self.timestamp is None: raise RuntimeError( "No execution results avaible, Model needs to run sucessfully first" ) artefactlist_url = urljoin( self.base_url, f"/artefacts/{self.model_name}/{self.timestamp}" ) response = self.session.get(artefactlist_url) response.raise_for_status() return response.json()["artefacts"]
[docs] def download_artefact(self, output_directory: Path, artefact: str) -> None: if self.model_name is None or self.timestamp is None: raise RuntimeError( "No execution results avaible, Model needs to run sucessfully first" ) if not output_directory.is_dir(): raise RuntimeError(f"Output path {output_directory} is not a directory") artefact_url = urljoin( self.base_url, f"artefact/{self.model_name}/{self.timestamp}/{artefact}" ) response_artefact = self.session.get(artefact_url) response_artefact.raise_for_status() with open(Path(output_directory) / artefact, "wb") as file: file.write(response_artefact.content)
[docs] class TerminalRoxieToolAdapter(RoxieToolAdapter): def __init__( self, input_files: List[Path], run_in_tmp_folder: bool = True, tmp_path_parent: Optional[str] = None, executable_name: str = "runroxie", overwrite_arguments: Optional[List[str]] = None, ): """Initialize the RoxieTooladapter with the given input files and configuration options. :param input_files: List of input files for the RoxieTooladapter. (List[Path]) :param run_in_tmp_folder: Flag to run the RoxieTooladapter in a temporary folder. Defaults to True. (bool) :param tmp_path: Parent Path to the temporary folder. Temporary folder will be created here Defaults to None. (Optional[str]) :param executable_name: Name of the executable. Defaults to "runroxie". (str) :param overwrite_arguments: List of arguments to overwrite. Defaults to None. (Optional[List[str]]) :raises RuntimeError: If run_in_tmp_folder is False and datafile needs to be updated. :return: None :rtype: None """ super().__init__(input_files) self.executable_name = executable_name self.artefact_list: Set[Path] = set() self.tmp_folder: Optional[TemporaryDirectory] if run_in_tmp_folder: self.tmp_folder = TemporaryDirectory(dir=tmp_path_parent) self.exec_folder = Path( for p in [ self.input_builder.cadata_path, self.input_builder.bhdata_path, self.input_builder.iron_path, ]: if not Path(p.strip()).is_absolute(): self.needs_datafile_update = True self.input_builder.cadata_path = ( str(self.input_files[".cadata"]) if ".cadata" in self.input_files else "" ) self.input_builder.bhdata_path = ( str(self.input_files[".bhdata"]) if ".bhdata" in self.input_files else "" ) self.input_builder.iron_path = ( str(self.input_files[".iron"]) if ".iron" in self.input_files else "" ) else: self.tmp_folder = None self.exec_folder = self.input_files[".data"].parent self.overwrite_arguments = overwrite_arguments if not run_in_tmp_folder and self.needs_datafile_update: raise RuntimeError( "Datafile needs to be rewritten but run in tmp folder is deactivated. " "RoxieTooladapter does not overwrite existing datafiles. Change execution to run int tmp_folder " "or fix paths in data file." ) def _get_process_command(self) -> List[str]: if self.overwrite_arguments: args = self.overwrite_arguments else: args = [self.input_files[".data"].name] return [self.executable_name, *args]
[docs] def run(self) -> int: # Different execution modes depending on the operating system if self.needs_datafile_update: if not self.tmp_folder: raise RuntimeError( "Datafile needs to be rewritten but run in tmp folder is deactivated. " "RoxieTooladapter does not overwrite existing datafiles. Change execution to run int tmp_folder " "or fix paths in data file." ) tmp_data_file = Path( / self.input_files[".data"].name self.input_files[".data"] = tmp_data_file command = self._get_process_command() p = Popen(command, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, cwd=self.exec_folder) exec_timestamp = byte_output, byte_error = p.communicate( b"input data that is passed to subprocess' stdin" ) retcode = p.returncode byte_output_decode = byte_output.decode() byte_error_decode = byte_error.decode() self.output = byte_output_decode self.errors = byte_error_decode modified_files = { f for f in Path(self.exec_folder).iterdir() if datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(f.stat().st_mtime) > exec_timestamp } self.artefact_list = modified_files return retcode
[docs] def get_artefact_list(self) -> List[str]: return [ for f in self.artefact_list]
[docs] def download_artefact(self, output_directory: Path, artefact: str) -> None: fn = self.exec_folder / artefact if not fn.exists(): raise RuntimeError(f"Artefact {artefact} does not exist in output") if not output_directory.is_dir(): raise RuntimeError(f"Output path {output_directory} is not a directory") shutil.copy(fn, output_directory)