Source code for roxieapi.commons.roxie_constants

from typing import Dict, Tuple

[docs] class PlotLabels: """Data about Roxie defined Plots""" plot3D_desc: Dict[str, str] = { "1": "Pressure on broad face of cable, positive away from pole (N/mm**2)", "2": "Pressure on Narrow face of cable, positive in outward direction (N/mm**2)", "3": "Lorentz force in x direction / surface area (N/mm**2)", "4": "Lorentz force in y direction / surface area (N/mm**2)", "5": "Lorentz force in z direction / surface area (N/mm**2)", "6": "Lorentz force in radial direction / surface area (N/mm**2)", "7": "Lorentz force in azimuthal direction / surface area (N/mm**2)", "8": "|B| max (T)", "9": "|B| min (T)", "10": "|B| average (T)", "11": "Coil", "12": "Iz (A)", "13": "Min. curvature k (1/mm)", "14": "Max. curvature k (1/mm)", "41": "Spacers", "51": "Yoke", "52": "|B| (T)", } plot3D_label: Dict[str, str] = { "1": "PB", "2": "PN", "3": "FX", "4": "FY", "5": "FZ", "6": "FR", "7": "FF", "8": "BMAX", "9": "BMIN", "10": "BMID", "12": "JZ", "13": "CURVMIN", "14": "CURVMAX", } plot2D_desc: Dict[str, str] = { "1": "Bx (T)", "2": "By (T)", "3": "|B| (T)", "4": "Magnetic flux density (T)", "5": "B normal to broad side (T) r x Bperp positive in z", "6": "B tangent. to broad side (T) pos. in outward direction", "7": "Fx / L (N/M)", "8": "Fy / L (N/M)", "9": "|F| / L (N/M)", "10": "Emag. force / L (N/m)", "11": "F normal to broad side / L (N/M)", "12": "F tangential broad side / L (N/M)pos. in outward direction", "13": "Vector potential (Tm)", "14": "I (A)", "15": "J (A/mm^2!)", "16": "J-Cu (A/mm^2!)", "17": "J-Sc (A/mm^2!)", "18": "Margin to quench (%)", "19": "Bred x-comp (T)", "20": "Bred y-comp (T)", "21": "|Bred| (T)", "22": "Ared (Tm)", "24": "|I| (A)", "25": "|J| (A/mm^2!)", "26": "|J-Cu| (A/mm^2!)", "27": "|J-Sc| (A/mm^2!)", "28": "Temperature margin (K)", "29": "T (K)", "36": "Enthalpy Margin Strand (mJ/cm^3!)", "37": "Enthalpy Margin Cable 1 (mJ/cm^3!)", "38": "Enthalpy Margin Cable 2 (mJ/cm^3!)", "39": "P integrated (Ws/m)", "40": "Alpha M (deg)", "41": "Mx (A/m)", "42": "My (A/m)", "43": "M (A/m)", "44": "SC filament magn. (A/m)", "45": "F || / F -|", "46": "|M| (A/m)", "47": "Alpha B (deg)", "48": "P (W/m)", "49": "B1 Contrib. of I strand (T)", "50": "B2 Contrib. of I strand (T)", "51": "B3 Contrib. of I strand (T)", "52": "B4 Contrib. of I strand (T)", "53": "B5 Contrib. of I strand (T)", "54": "B6 Contrib. of I strand (T)", "55": "B7 Contrib. of I strand (T)", "56": "B8 Contrib. of I strand (T)", "57": "B9 Contrib. of I strand (T)", "58": "B10 Contrib. of I strand (T)", "59": "B11 Contrib. of I strand (T)", "60": "B1 Contrib. of M strand (T)", "61": "B2 Contrib. of M strand (T)", "62": "B3 Contrib. of M strand (T)", "63": "B4 Contrib. of M strand (T)", "64": "B5 Contrib. of M strand (T)", "65": "B6 Contrib. of M strand (T)", "66": "B7 Contrib. of M strand (T)", "67": "B8 Contrib. of M strand (T)", "68": "B9 Contrib. of M strand (T)", "69": "B10 Contrib. of M strand (T)", "70": "B11 Contrib. of M strand (T)", "79": "B1 Contrib. of ICC (T)", "80": "B2 Contrib. of ICC (T)", "81": "B3 Contrib. of ICC (T)", "82": "B4 Contrib. of ICC (T)", "83": "B5 Contrib. of ICC (T)", "84": "B6 Contrib. of ICC (T)", "85": "B7 Contrib. of ICC (T)", "86": "B8 Contrib. of ICC (T)", "87": "B9 Contrib. of ICC (T)", "88": "B10 Contrib. of ICC (T)", "89": "B11 Contrib. of ICC (T)", "91": "I-CC (A)", "92": "A1 Contrib. of ICC (T)", "93": "A2 Contrib. of ICC (T)", "94": "A3 Contrib. of ICC (T)", "95": "A4 Contrib. of ICC (T)", "96": "A5 Contrib. of ICC (T)", "97": "A6 Contrib. of ICC (T)", "146": "B12 Contrib. of I strand (T)", "147": "B13 Contrib. of I strand (T)", "148": "B14 Contrib. of I strand (T)", "155": "Voltage to Clamp (V)", "161": "A1 Contrib. of I strand (T)", "162": "A2 Contrib. of I strand (T)", "163": "A3 Contrib. of I strand (T)", "164": "A4 Contrib. of I strand (T)", "165": "A5 Contrib. of I strand (T)", "166": "A6 Contrib. of I strand (T)", "167": "A7 Contrib. of I strand (T)", "168": "A8 Contrib. of I strand (T)", "169": "A9 Contrib. of I strand (T)", "170": "A10 Contrib. of I strand (T)", "171": "A11 Contrib. of I strand (T)", "172": "A12 Contrib. of I strand (T)", "173": "A13 Contrib. of I strand (T)", "174": "A14 Contrib. of I strand (T)", "360": "Current density margin(at Jop,Bop,Top)(A/mm2)", } plot2D_label: Dict[str, str] = { "1": "BX", "2": "BY", "3": "|B|", "4": "B", "5": "BPERP", "6": "BPARA", "7": "FX", "8": "FY", "9": "|F|", "10": "F", "11": "FPERP", "12": "FPARA", "13": "A", "14": "I", "15": "JELE", "16": "JCU", "17": "JSC", "18": "MARG", "19": "BREDX", "20": "BREDY", "21": "BR", "22": "ARED", "24": "|I|", "25": "|JEL|", "26": "|JCU|", "27": "|JSC|", "28": "MARGT", "29": "T", "36": "MQES", "37": "MQEC1", "38": "MQEC2", "39": "PINT", "40": "MPHAS", "41": "MX", "42": "MY", "43": "|M|", "44": "M", "45": "FPN", "46": "MMOD", "47": "BPHAS", "48": "P", "49": "B1", "50": "B2", "51": "B3", "52": "B4", "53": "B5", "54": "B6", "55": "B7", "56": "B8", "57": "B9", "58": "B10", "59": "B11", "60": "M1", "61": "M2", "62": "M3", "63": "M4", "64": "M5", "65": "M6", "66": "M7", "67": "M8", "68": "M9", "69": "M10", "70": "M11", "79": "B1ICC", "80": "B2ICC", "81": "B3ICC", "82": "B4ICC", "83": "B5ICC", "84": "B6ICC", "85": "B7ICC", "86": "B8ICC", "87": "B9ICC", "88": "B10ICC", "89": "B11ICC", "91": "ICC", "92": "A1ICC", "93": "A2ICC", "94": "A3ICC", "95": "A4ICC", "96": "A5ICC", "97": "A6ICC", "146": "B12", "147": "B13", "148": "B14", "155": "V", "161": "A1", "162": "A2", "163": "A3", "164": "A4", "165": "A5", "166": "A6", "167": "A7", "168": "A8", "169": "A9", "170": "A10", "171": "A11", "172": "A12", "173": "A13", "174": "A14", "360": "MARGJ", } plotMesh2D_desc: Dict[str, str] = { "31": "Muer", "32": "|B| (T)", "34": "Az (Tm)", "35": "(Muer-1)/(Muer+1)", "75": "Bx (T)", "76": "By (T)", } plotMesh2D_label: Dict[str, str] = { "31": "MUER", "32": "|BTOT|", "34": "AR", "35": "MUEFAC", "75": "Bx", "76": "By", } plotMesh3D_desc: Dict[str, str] = { "52": "|B| (T)", "53": "B (T)", "54": "|A| (Tm)", "55": "A (Tm)", "56": "Phi (V)", "57": "Bx (T)", "58": "By (T)", "59": "Bz (T)", "60": "Ax (Tm)", "61": "Ay (Tm)", "62": "Az (Tm)", } plotMesh3D_label: Dict[str, str] = { "52": "|IB|", "53": "IB", "54": "|IA|", "55": "IA", "56": "IPHI", "57": "IBx", "58": "IBx", "59": "IBx", "60": "IAx", "61": "IAy", "62": "IAz", }
[docs] @staticmethod def lbl_desc_plot3D(id: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: return PlotLabels.plot3D_label.get(id, ""), PlotLabels.plot3D_desc.get( id, f"Unknown label {id}" )
[docs] @staticmethod def lbl_desc_plot2D(id: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: return PlotLabels.plot2D_label.get(id, ""), PlotLabels.plot2D_desc.get( id, f"Unknown label {id}" )
[docs] @staticmethod def lbl_desc_mesh2D(id: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: return PlotLabels.plotMesh2D_label.get(id, ""), PlotLabels.plotMesh2D_desc.get( id, f"Unknown label {id}" )
[docs] @staticmethod def lbl_desc_mesh3D(id: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: return PlotLabels.plotMesh3D_label.get(id, ""), PlotLabels.plotMesh3D_desc.get( id, f"Unknown label {id}" )