""" 2D Crosssection plots =================== Use the output of a roxie 2d Plot and plot it with matplotlib Download Input files * :download:`dipole_2d.data <../../../../../examples/input_files/dipole_2d.data>` * :download:`dipole_2d.post.xml <../../../../../examples/input_files/dipole_2d.post.xml>` """ # %% # Setting up # ---------- # Standard Loading of input, Parsing and Initializing RoxiePlotOutputs object # from roxieapi.output.plots import RoxiePlotOutputs plots = RoxiePlotOutputs( "../input_files/dipole_2d.post.xml", "../input_files/dipole_2d.data" ) # %% # Plotting the Roxie defined 2D plots # ----------------------------------- # Load a 2D plot and show it's geometry # parser = plots.output xs = parser.get_crosssection_plot(1) assert xs is not None figure = plots.plots2d.plot_xs(xs) # %%